My Important Thoughts

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Exciting and Scary Changes

We have lived in Edmonton for 7 years now. We moved here for James when he joined the army. Now he has been out of the army for a year now, and we are moving back to Saskatoon.
It is very scary! I have been working for the same company for 6 years, and now I will have to start over again. So I am now job hunting so I can get something lined up for July, and I am house hunting.
One of the best things is that I will be way closer to Mom and Dad, and I have lots of family and friends in Saskatoon, but I am also leaving my family and friends here.
All in all it will be a great change, and everything will work out.
Life changes, exciting and scary!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding

I have spend the last year helping my sister with her wedding plans, from sitting there listening to ideas to helping make the decorations. Damb decorations that nobody noticed the fine details that we put into it. But it was totally worth it. It went off without any major hitches.

She looked beautiful and everyone had a good time. The two most important things were taken care of.

I started this post in September, and now November (opps) I don't know where I was going with it.

All I know is it was a great time, and all the time and effort that was put into it was well worth it.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Summer is almost over

Boy does summer go fast. It just bairly gets hot and then it is over. As hard as we try to keep time open for just us as a family, it just does not work. From BBQ's with friends to Weddings, our summer books up so fast.

The July first weekend we were busy with my family. It was Sacha's stagette and Owen's stag. It was a ton of fun, and really good seeing everyone too.

Then the boys went to Papa and Grandma's for two weeks, which meant HOLIDAYS for me. That is always time that is looked forward to by everyone, from Harrison and Matthew, to James and I, and even Grandma and Papa. They came home on the 15th of July and that too made everyone happy.

The following weekend we went to friends and had a BBQ. We had a blast there, and even ended up crashing there (they live an hour out of the city).

Next came July 29th weekend, Sacha and Owens wedding. As much work and time as we put into it, it was sooooo worth it. Every hour I spent helping Sacha make decorations, the time I spend with Sacha getting our dresses altered, to running around the city when Sacha was at home to pick up the final things, it all came together and was great. We had such a good time as was had by all I think. It was so much fun, and I would not have rather done anything else.

After the wedding we went camping for almost a week. (That I will write about later, it deserves a blog of its own). We had a lot of fun there too.

Now this weekend, we have nothing going on (I think). Next weekend is my 10 year high school reunion. Wow that time has really gone fast.

The following weekend we may be going to visit my cousin, I am not 100% sure yet.

Then we are all but into September.

Like I said Summer goes to fast, but we have a blast.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This Whole Blogger Thing...

So I have discovered that this whole blogger thing is not quite as easy as it looks.
First you have to find the time to do it, which is not always easy in my life anyway.
Second, you have to be able to write about something, also not always easy.
I have no real reasons for not being able to thing of things to write, but it isn't always there when I want it to be.
I will try harder in the new year to do more.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Best Harry Potter Yet!!

I went to the "NEW" Harry Potter "The Goblet of Fire" on Saturday, and WOW it was good. All I had heard was that is was so "dark, and scary ... not suitable for young kids..." Personally I would have no problem taking my 3 and 5 year olds to it. It was a bit more intense than the previous three, but not that bad. All in all it is a must see, and maybe even a see more than once, I know I will go again with my boys.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Joining the ranks of bloggers everywhere.

I have read lots of blogs, now I will try to start my own. I hope you all enjoy reading mine, as much as I have enjoyed yours over the years.
Have a great day.